Browse some fabulous (and favorite) books to get you started and continue to learn on your marketing journey.



Robert Cialdini teaches the basics of persuasion, and how to put it to work for you! The simple act of reciprocity hooks right into content marketing.

Learn more about Dr. Cialdini and his work at the Influence At Work website.




If you want to understand content marketing, read Jay Baer’s book. Tons of example on how to build relationships and credibility online, and how helping your prospects solve problems creates the value that turns them into customers.

To learn more about Jay Bear, check out his website Convince & Convert.



The Gifts of Imperfection

Our first introduction to Brene Brown was her TEDx Talk, “The Power of Vulnerability.” Find the authentic person within yourself, the celebration of imperfections that makes you who you are.

You can learn more on Brene Brown’s Website.



Start With Why

Simon Sinek simplifies differentiation with his famous “Start With Why” book (check out his awesome TEDx talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”).

The Golden Circle is such a simple and powerful concept. We recommend the TEDx talk and book before you begin your marketing strategy work.



Winning the Story Wars

Learn the history of storytelling in advertising and marketing and apply storytelling techniques for your business.